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Cheking if the user has a permissions.


$hasPerms[(Guild ID;User ID);Permission]


Guild IDGuild ID the user is in.False
User IDUser ID to check for permissions.False
PermissionPermissions that will be checked.True

Supported inputs for Permission

add_reactionsReturns True if a user can add reactions to messages.
adminReturns True if a user is an administrator. This role overrides all other permissions.
attach_filesReturns True if a user can send files in their messages.
ban_membersReturns True if a user can ban users from the guild.
change_nicknameReturns True if a user can change their nickname in the guild.
connectReturns True if a user can connect to a voice channel.
create_forum_threadsReturns True if a user can create threads in forum channels.
create_instant_inviteReturns True if the user can create instant invites.
create_private_threadsReturns True if a user can create private threads.
create_public_threadsReturns True if a user can create public threads.
deafen_membersReturns True if a user can deafen other users.
embed_linksReturns True if a user’s messages will automatically be embedded by Discord.
external_emojisReturns True if a user can use emojis from other guilds.
external_stickersReturns True if a user can use stickers from other guilds.
kick_membersReturns True if the user can kick users from the guild.
manage_channelsReturns True if a user can edit, delete, or create channels in the guild.
manage_emojisReturns True if a user can create, edit, or delete emojis.
manage_emojis_and_stickersReturns True if a user can create, edit, or delete emojis, stickers.
manage_eventsReturns True if a user can manage guild events.
manage_guildReturns True if a user can edit guild properties.
manage_guild_expressionsReturns True if a user can create, edit, or delete emojis, stickers, and soundboard sounds.
manage_messagesReturns True if a user can delete or pin messages in a text channel.
manage_nicknamesReturns True if a user can change other user’s nickname in the guild.
manage_permissionsAn alias for manage_roles.
manage_rolesReturns True if a user can create or edit roles less than their role’s position.
manage_threadsReturns True if a user can manage threads.
manage_webhooksReturns True if a user can create, edit, or delete webhooks.
mention_everyoneReturns True if a user’s @everyone or @here will mention everyone in the text channel.
moderate_membersReturns True if a user can perform limited moderation actions, such as timeouts or editing members’ flags.
move_membersReturns True if a user can move users between other voice channels.
mute_membersReturns True if a user can mute other users.
priority_speakerReturns True if a user can be more easily heard while talking.
read_message_historyReturns True if a user can read a text channel’s previous messages.
read_messagesReturns True if a user can read messages in channel.
request_to_speakReturns True if a user can request to speak in a stage channel.
send_messagesReturns True if a user can send messages from all or specific text channels and create threads in forum channels.
send_messages_in_threadsReturns True if a user can send messages in threads.
send_tts_messagesReturns True if a user can send TTS messages from all or specific text channels.
send_voice_messagesReturns True if a user can send voice messages.
speakReturns True if a user can speak in a voice channel.
start_embedded_activitiesAn alias for use_embedded_activities.
streamReturns True if a user can stream in a voice channel.
use_application_commandsReturns True if a user can use application commands.
use_embedded_activitiesReturns True if a user can use activities (applications with the embedded flag) in a voice channel.
use_external_emojisReturns True if a user can use emojis from other guilds.
use_external_soundsReturns True if a user can use custom soundboard sounds from other guilds.
use_external_stickersReturns True if a user can use stickers from other guilds.
use_slash_commandsReturns True if a user can use slash commands.
use_soundboardReturns True if a user can use the soundboard in voice channels.
use_voice_activationReturns True if a user can use voice activation in voice channels.
valueThe raw value. This value is a bit array field of a 53-bit integer representing the currently available permissions. You should query permissions via the properties rather than using this raw value.
view_audit_logReturns True if a user can view the guild’s audit log.
view_channelReturns True if a user can view all or specific channels.
view_creator_monetization_analyticsReturns True if a user can view role subscription insights.
view_guild_insightsReturns True if a user can view the guild’s insights.